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Texas' Asbestos Alley Death Rate Higher than State and National Averages

A recent study conducted by EWG Action Fund has discovered that eight counties in East Texas show asbestos-related death rates are annually two to five times higher than the averages for the state and nation. The data from the study shows that the eight counties all have a mortality rate above 11 deaths per 100,000 population with Orange County leading the way at 23.9 and Sabine County at 22.7.

These are troubling numbers considering the heavy industrial area on the Gulf Coast. The national average is 4.9 asbestos deaths per 100,000 people, and the state average is 3.3. In the state of Texas, more than 14,000 individuals died from asbestos diseases in the time between 1999 and 2013. Of these deaths, more than 1,200 of these people passed away in Asbestos Alley. The industrial areas often use asbestos for their heat and fire resistant properties.

Regardless of the high numbers of individuals suffering because of asbestos, there is a representative in Texas looking to move the FACT Act forward. This bill would require anyone who is filing a claim to make their private information public and slowing the process. According to the asbestos trusts, the requirement would add 20,000 more hours to each trust per year.

At Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC, we know that time is of the essence. If you are dealing with mesothelioma or any other complications due to asbestos, contact our firm today. Our mesothelioma attorneys will work with you to determine if asbestos was the cause of your condition. We aim to help patients seek compensation for the damages they have sustained.

These cases are very sensitive. You need a team on your side determined to help you reach all of your goals. Let us be that team for you.

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