Since the 1990s, biotech companies such as Monsanto have been altering the genes of corn to better withstand pesticides and common crop-eating insects. While these changes have been regulated by U.S. government agencies like the FDA, the USDA, and the EPA, there has been a vocal protest against the use of genetically-modified organisms in the national food source. Protesters, which include doctors and researchers, say that the unintended consequences of GMO corn have led to higher autoimmune diseases, severe allergic responses, and damaged kidney function.
If you are suffering from health problems such as tumors, severe allergic responses, or any effects linked to consuming GMO products, you may be entitled to financial compensation. At the law firm of Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC Cowan Heckaman (BCH), we specialize in holding large corporations responsible for the harmful effects of their products.
Schedule a free consultation with BCH by calling (713) 909-7910!
150+ Years of Combined Experience Protecting the American Public
When it comes to protecting the public against large corporations that endanger their health, BCH has the history of skill and results to qualify us for your case. We fight relentlessly for every client because we genuinely care about each client’s well-being. To us, health risks and side effects are not matters of statistics, but of real human lives. If you are suffering from the unintended consequences of genetically modified corn, you deserve to be heard in court. Let us represent your story.
BCH can promise one thing—you will never be alone as long as we are on your case. Call (713) 909-7910 for a free consultation.